Plot Synopsis

Also as a part of planning myself and skye have created a plot synopsis and written in small detail about out characters. This was an important part to the planning stage as it gives us a structure for the film trailer.


Selena – Your everyday 19 year old girl, studying law at uni, falls for Ethan instantly. With coming from a small town, she’s a little bit too trusting and naïve. 

Ethan – On paper he seems like the perfect boy : good looking, fit, charming, smart and well mannered. However, in reality theres much more too him. His dark past has lead him to enjoy torturing women all the way up to death. 

Kim – Selena’s new best friend and roommate.

Bar lady – works on the night when Selena and Ethan meet.


Selena is on a night out with her friends when she finds herself alone at the bar. A beautiful stranger orders her a drink and they get chatting. She soon learns that his name is Ethan and there is an instant attraction. A few days later she receives a text asking her out on a date. The date goes really well and she finds herself back at his home for a drink afterwards. Ethan spikes her drink with rohypnol. When Selena regains consciousness she finds herself tied to a chair in an unknown location. Ethan’s true colours are then revealed as he begins his torture regime that he has executed on many girls before her. Since Selena is quite smart, she figures out a way to free herself and attempts to escape.

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